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RMRB 27-09-1949 The North China People's Government has stipulated that the entertainment tax rate will be halved for movies and dramas that are beneficial to the new democratic culture and education.
RMRB 13-11-1948 Carry out the reform of old dramas in a planned and step-by-step manner
RMRB 17-03-1949 Turn a consumer city into a production city
RMRB 26-10-1949 "Deprive counter-revolutionary freedom of speech! The Beijing Military Control Commission censored three radio stations
RMRB 27-11-1949 Directive of the Cultural Ministry of the Central People's Government on Launching New Year Picture Work"
RMRB 09-12-1949 Who has been harmed by the blockade?
RMRB 13-02-1950 Eight Hundred Professors and Students from Beijing Participate in Suburban Land Reform Enthusiastically Help Peasants Turn Over and Transform Themselves
RMRB 15-02-1950 The governments of China and the Soviet Union announced the conclusion of the Treaty of Friendship, Alliance and Mutual Assistance, and at the same time signed the Treaty of Friendship, Alliance and Mutual Assistance of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics of the People's Republic of China on China's Changchun Railway, Luda and Loans
RMRB 28-03-1950 The Central Administration of Taxation formulates measures to regularly reward and punish tax staff to ensure the implementation of tax policies and improve work efficiency
RMRB "A Welcome to Sino-Soviet Economic Cooperation That Is Conducive to the Economic Reconstruction in China" Renmin Ribao (People's Daily), 05-04-1950.
RMRB 05-04-1950 Cheer for the future of China's industrialization, the whole country supports the three Sino-Soviet agreements, and thanks the Soviet people for the great internationalism spirit.
RMRB 22-05-1950 Incident at the Shijingshan Iron and Steel Plant
RMRB 21-10-1950 Severly punish illegal landlords for undermining the land reform
RMRB 20-12-1950 Ban the Yiguan Sect Resolutely
RMRB 31-01-1951 The Central People's Broadcasting Station is scheduled to broadcast the winning numbers of the first phase of the 1950 People's Victory Realized Public Bonds
RMRB 14-03-1951 Editorial on Korean war
RMRB 16-03-1951 Some militiamen in Hengshui County are not serious about protecting state property
RMRB 02-04-1951 The Tianjin Land Reform Visiting Group. Some understandings after our visit to the Land Reform work teams
RMRB 05-04-1951 Unified leadership and hierarchical responsibility are the correct guidelines for financial work
RMRB 06-04-1951 The United Front Work Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China entertained visiting professors returning to Beijing from land reform
RMRB 07-04-1951 Zheng Linzhuang Two lessons learned from visiting the land reform
RMRB 20-04-1951 Strengthening the Work of Suppressing Counter-Revolutionaries in the Cities
RMRB 29-05-1951 To further consolidate and develop the people's democratic dictatorship
RMRB 01-06-1951 Calling upon the peasants to sell cotton to the state
RMRB 05-06-1951 Lin Yaohua Agrarian reform is extensive and practical education - My experience of agrarian reform work
RMRB 06-06-1951 The benefits of radio going to the countryside
RMRB 23-09-1951 Three-Self Patriotic Movement
RMRB 12-12-1951 Unite the broad masses of the people to consolidate the revolutionary social order and establish public security committees in all suburban districts of Beijing
RMRB 06-01-1952 The party organization should learn from the corruption incident of Liu Qingshan and Zhang Zishan
RMRB 08-01-1952 Vice Chairman Zhou Enlai made an important report calling on people from the business community to actively participate in the struggle against corruption and waste to reform themselves
RMRB 07-02-1952: Repulse Bourgeois Attack, Consolidate Leadership Right of Working Class
RMRB 12-03-1952 Certain Regulations of the Central Economy Inspection Commission on Handling Corruption, Waste and Overcoming Bureaucratic Errors
RMRB 07-05-1952 writes an article on "Daily Bread" - The first Chinese-language feature film of the German Democratic Republic, performed in the People's Republic of China
RMRB 29-06-1952 Fighting for the Michurin direction of biological science"
RMRB 30-06-1952 I took the wrong approach to Michurin Bioscience
RMRB 07-08-1952 The Ministry of Personnel of the Central People's Government formulates a plan to uniformly distribute college graduates
RMRB 10-08-1952 The powerful assistant and powerful reserve army of the Chinese People's Liberation Army - the militia
RMRB 17-08-1952 Resolutely overcome the serious impurity in some judicial institutions, the nation will launch a judicial reform campaign
RMRB 23-08-1952 The Northwest District launches judicial reform work, Xi'an City mobilizes the masses to report illegal acts of judicial personnel
RMRB 13-09-1952 self-criticism Wang Feiran, court president Beijing
RMRB 16-11-1952 Treat the Chinese Opera Heritage Correctly
RMRB 25-12-1952 Continue to strengthen the great struggle to resist US aggression and aid Korea
RMRB 26-12-1952 Implementing the Michurin line of biological science and eradicating the influence of reactionary idealism
RMRB 01-02-1953 Vigorously prepare to launch a mass movement to implement the Marriage Law.
RMRB 27-02-1953 False Peasant Models Must Not Be Tolerated
RMRB 11-02-1953 Eliminate the style of coercive orders
RMRB 19-02-1953 Supplementary Instructions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on the Work of Implementing the Marriage Law Movement
RMRB 20-04-1953 Farmers who blindly flowed into the cities should go back to the countryside
RMRB 15-06-1953 Summary Of Basic Experiences In Promoting Regional Autonomy Among Minorities
RMRB 02-11-1953 Push forward the work of handling people's letters
RMRB 24-11-1953 Negotiation Communiqué of the Delegation of the Government of the People's Republic of China and the Government of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea.
RMRB 25-11-1953 Consolidate the Workers' and Peasants' Alliance to Ensure the Realization of the General Line
RMRB 07-03-1954 Political and legal departments should ensure the implementation of the unified grain purchasing and marketing policy
RMRB 20-06-1954 Decision of the Central People's Government on the abolition of administrative agencies at the Regional level and the merger of several provinces and municipalities.
RMRB 22-07-1954 "Another major victory for peace negotiations"
RMRB "Six Hundred Million People - A Great Strength for Socialist Construction of Our Country." Renmin Ribao (People's Daily), 01-11-1954 .
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