The Common Program of the People's Republic of China 1949-1954

Chapter 3 of the Common Program

On August 1, 1927, the army of the Communist Party is founded. It is called “Red Army of Workers and Peasants of the Chinese Communist Party” and is formed to fight against the government of the GMD. The army recruited his soldiers from peasants and labourers, however
"… very few people were politically “pure” in the sense of having perfect class background (poor peasants, worker etc.) and an unblemished record of meritorious, selfless service to the cause. This was true of the CCP110 and the PLA, which could not afford to be extremely selective in its recruitment by excluding everyone who did not have poor peasant or proletarian background, especially during the civil war when entire Nationalist units switched sides. As a result, the PLA that emerged from the civil war in 1949 was a hodgepodge of individuals with a variety of class and social backgrounds, and so were its veterans."
At the Gutian conference in December 1929, Mao Zedong pointed out the mistaken ideas of the PLA and the methods for correction. The biggest mistake is the purely military viewpoint, which regards military affairs and politics as opposed to each other. This leads to denial of the fact that military affairs are only one means of accomplishing political tasks. From then onwards, the PLA has several tasks, including economic, political, and social. This in addition to its military function. The army must safeguard the nation, the CCP, Communism and the leaders of the nation, and the party.
"The military elites of the revolutionary generation normally played the role of party elites at the same time. They were thus involved in the actual participation and decision-making of an authoritative policy."

Chapter 3 of Common Program