Timeline Geneva Conference 1954

  1. Berlin Conference of the Big Four ( US, SU, GB, Fr).

  2. SU asks China to put pressure on Vietnam to attend the Geneva Conference.

  3. Zhou Enlai “Preliminary Document on the Estimation of & Preparation for Geneva Conference”.

  4. SU minister Molotov talks with Zhang Wentian about Geneva Conference.

  5. Zhou Enlai sends telegram to Ho Chih minh on Geneva Conference.

  6. Ho Chih minh, Pham Van Dong, Zhou Enlai meet in Beijing.

  7. Politburo meeting on Zhou Enlai's report on preperation for the Geneva Conference.

  8. Zhou Enlai and Vietnamese delegation flies to Moscow.

  9. The Chinese delegation to the Geneva Conference makes a draft memorandum.

  10. Zhang Wentian asks Li Kenong to propaganda work at Geneva conference.

  11. Mao Zedong states the previous policy of expanding the war in Indochina should be suspended.

  12. Zhou Enlai instructs Geneva delegation.

  13. Chinese delegation headed by Zhou Enlai attends Geneva conference.

  14. Geneva Conference on Korea opens.

  15. 2nd plenary session on Korea.

  16. Zhou Enlai adresses the Geneva conference at 3rd plenary session on Korea.

  17. 4th plenary session on Korea.

  18. 5th plenary session on Korea.

  19. Zhou Enlai adresses the Geneva conference at 6th plenary session on Korea.

  20. 7th plenary session on Korea.

  21. 8th plenary session on Korea.

  22. 1st plenary session on Indochina.

  23. 2nd plenary session on Indochina.

  24. 9th plenary session on Korea.

  25. Zhou Enlai and Vietnamese delegation flies to Moscow.

  26. 3rd plenary session on Indochina Statements by Zhou Enlai.

  27. 10th plenary session on Korea.

  28. 4th plenary session on Indo-China Zhou Enlai talks with Eden.

  29. 1st restricted session on Indochina.

  30. 2nd restricted session Statement by Zhou Enlai.

  31. 3rd restricted session on Indochina.

  32. 4th restricted session on Indochina.

  33. 11th plenary session on Korea. Statements by Zhou Enlai.

  34. 6th restricted session on Indochina.

  35. 7th restricted session Zhou Enlai presents his 6 pointproposal to end the war in Indochina.

  36. 12th plenary session on Korea .

  37. 8th restricted session on Indochina.

  38. 9th restricted session on Indochina Statement by Zhou Enlai.

  39. Zhou Enlai meets French minster of foreign affairs Georges Bidault.

  40. 10th restricted session on Indochina Statement by Zhou Enlai.

  41. 11th restricted session Statement by Zhou Enlai.

  42. 12th resticted session on Indochina.

  43. Zhou Enlai for first time meets with their US counterparts
    13th plenary session on Korea Statement by Zhou Enlai.

  44. Zhou Enlai meets Bidault
    Zhou Enlai consults with SU and Vietnamese delegation.

  45. 5th plenary session on Indochina.

  46. 6th plenary session on Indochina Statement by Zhou Enlai.

  47. 7th plenary session on Indochina.

  48. 14th plenary session on Korea Statement by Zhou Enlai.

  49. 13th restricted session on Indochina Statement by Zhou Enlai.

  50. Geneva Conference on Korea ends. Statement by Zhou Enlai.

  51. 14th restricted session on Indochina Statement by Zhou Enlai.

  52. Zhou Enlai meets Bidault.
  53. v v

  54. 15th resticted session on Indochina Statement by Zhou Enlai
    He meets Australian Minister for External Affairs, Richard Casey.

  55. 16th restricted session on Indochina.

  56. CC informs Vietnam on the decision of dividing Vietnam.

  57. Final declaration of the Geneva Conference divides Vietnam at the 17th parallel.

  58. 17th restricted session on Indochina.

  59. Zhou Enlai meets french premier/minister of foreign affairs Mendes-France.

  60. 18th restricted session on Indochina.

  61. Zhou Enlai meets U Nu in Birma.

  62. Zhou Enlai 2nd meeting with U Nu in Birma.

  63. 19th restricted session on Indochina.

  64. 20th restricted session on Indochina.

  65. Zhou Enlai holds discussions with Ho Chi Minh and Vo Nguyen Giap in Liuzhou.

  66. 21st restricted session on Indochina.

  67. Enlarged Politburo meeting of CCP. Zhou Enlai reports.

  68. 22nd restricted session on Indochina.

  69. Zhou Enlai back in Geneva.

  70. Zhou Enlai meets Eden , Mendes France and Chauvel.

  71. Zhou Enlai meets Eden and Mendes France.

  72. 23rd restricted session on Indochina.

  73. Zhou Enlai meets Mendes-France and Eden.

  74. 8th plenary session Geneva Conference final declaration Zhou Enlai holds speech.

  75. End of Geneva Conference.

  76. Mao Zedong sends Zhou Enlai telegram on Taiwan.

  77. Zhou Enlai talks with Malenkov and Khrushchev.

  78. Zhou Enlai reports on foreign affairs to the CPGC.